Source code for ebm2onnx.convert

from collections import namedtuple
from .utils import get_latest_opset_version
from ebm2onnx import graph
from ebm2onnx import ebm
import ebm2onnx.operators as ops

import numpy as np
import onnx

from interpret.glassbox import ExplainableBoostingClassifier, ExplainableBoostingRegressor

    'bool': onnx.TensorProto.BOOL,
    'float': onnx.TensorProto.FLOAT,
    'double': onnx.TensorProto.DOUBLE,
    'int': onnx.TensorProto.INT64,
    'str': onnx.TensorProto.STRING,

def infer_features_dtype(dtype, feature_name):
    feature_dtype = onnx.TensorProto.DOUBLE
    if dtype is not None:
        feature_dtype = onnx_type_for[dtype[feature_name]]

    return feature_dtype

[docs]def get_dtype_from_pandas(df): """Infers the features names and types from a pandas dataframe Example: >>>import ebm2onnx >>> >>>dtype = ebm2onnx.get_dtype_from_pandas(my_df) Args: df: A pandas dataframe Returns: A dict that can be used as the type argument of the to_onnx function. """ dtype = {} df_types = df.dtypes.values for i, k in enumerate(df.dtypes.index): if df_types[i] == np.float32: dtype[k] = 'float' elif df_types[i] == np.double: dtype[k] = 'double' elif df_types[i] == int: dtype[k] = 'int' elif df_types[i] == bool: dtype[k] = 'bool' elif df_types[i] == str: dtype[k] = 'str' elif df_types[i] == object: dtype[k] = 'str' else: raise ValueError("column {} is of type {} that is not supported".format(k, df_types[i])) return dtype
[docs]def to_onnx(model, dtype, name="ebm", predict_proba=False, explain=False, target_opset=None, prediction_name="prediction", probabilities_name="probabilities", explain_name="scores", ): """Converts an EBM model to ONNX. The returned model contains one to three output. The first output is always the prediction, and is named "prediction". If predict_proba is set to True, then another output named "probabilities" is added. If explain is set to True, then another output named "scores" is added. Args: model: The EBM model, trained with interpretml dtype: A dict containing the type of each input feature. Types are expressed as strings, the following values are supported: float, double, int, str. name: [Optional] The name of the model predict_proba: [Optional] For classification models, output prediction probabilities instead of class explain: [Optional] Adds an additional output with the score per feature per class target_opset: [Optional] The target onnx opset version to use Returns: An ONNX model. """ target_opset = target_opset or get_latest_opset_version() root = graph.create_graph() class_index=0 inputs = [None for _ in model.feature_names_in_] parts = [] feature_types = list(model.feature_types_in_) interaction_count = len(model.term_names_) - len(feature_types) for _ in range(interaction_count): feature_types.append('interaction') # first compute the score of each feature for feature_index in range(len(model.term_names_)): feature_name=model.term_names_[feature_index] feature_type=feature_types[feature_index] feature_group=model.term_features_[feature_index] if feature_type == 'continuous': bins = [np.NINF, np.NINF] + list(model.bins_[feature_group[0]][0]) additive_terms = model.term_scores_[feature_index] feature_dtype = infer_features_dtype(dtype, feature_name) part = graph.create_input(root, feature_name, feature_dtype, [None]) part = ops.flatten()(part) inputs[feature_index] = part part = ebm.get_bin_index_on_continuous_value(bins)(part) part = ebm.get_bin_score_1d(additive_terms)(part) parts.append(part) elif feature_type in ['nominal', 'ordinal']: col_mapping = model.bins_[feature_group[0]][0] additive_terms = model.term_scores_[feature_index] feature_dtype = infer_features_dtype(dtype, feature_name) part = graph.create_input(root, feature_name, feature_dtype, [None]) if feature_dtype != onnx.TensorProto.STRING: part = ops.cast(onnx.TensorProto.STRING)(part) part = ops.flatten()(part) inputs[feature_index] = part part = ebm.get_bin_index_on_categorical_value(col_mapping)(part) part = ebm.get_bin_score_1d(additive_terms)(part) parts.append(part) elif feature_type == 'interaction': i_parts = [] way_count = len(feature_group) for index in range(way_count): i_feature_index = feature_group[index] i_feature_type = feature_types[i_feature_index] if i_feature_type == 'continuous': # interactions can be of any size (n way). # There may be one binning per interaction way or not. # the rule is to use bins_ index if there is one binning available for the way count. # otherwise, use the last binning for the feature bin_index = -1 if way_count > len(model.bins_[i_feature_index]) else way_count - 1 bins = [np.NINF, np.NINF] + list(model.bins_[i_feature_index][bin_index]) input = graph.strip_to_transients(inputs[i_feature_index]) i_parts.append(ebm.get_bin_index_on_continuous_value(bins)(input)) elif i_feature_type in ['nominal', 'ordinal']: col_mapping = model.bins_[i_feature_index][0] input = graph.strip_to_transients(inputs[i_feature_index]) i_parts.append(ebm.get_bin_index_on_categorical_value(col_mapping)(input)) else: raise ValueError(f"The type of the feature {feature_name} is unknown: {feature_type}") part = graph.merge(*i_parts) additive_terms = model.term_scores_[feature_index] part = ebm.get_bin_score_2d(np.array(additive_terms))(part) parts.append(part) else: raise ValueError(f"The type of the feature {feature_name} is unknown: {feature_type}") # compute scores, predict and proba g = graph.merge(*parts) if type(model) is ExplainableBoostingClassifier: class_type = onnx.TensorProto.STRING if model.classes_.dtype.type is np.str_ else onnx.TensorProto.INT64 classes=model.classes_ if class_type == onnx.TensorProto.STRING: classes=[ c.encode("utf-8") for c in classes] g, scores_output_name = ebm.compute_class_score(model.intercept_, explain_name)(g) g_scores = graph.strip_to_transients(g) if len(model.classes_) == 2: # binary classification g = ebm.predict_class( classes=classes, class_type=class_type, binary=True, prediction_name=prediction_name )(g) g = graph.add_output(g, g.transients[0].name, class_type, [None]) if predict_proba is True: gp = ebm.predict_proba(binary=True, probabilities_name=probabilities_name)(g_scores) g = graph.merge(graph.clear_transients(g), gp) g = graph.add_output(g, g.transients[0].name, onnx.TensorProto.FLOAT, [None, len(model.classes_)]) else: g = ebm.predict_class( classes=classes, class_type=class_type, binary=False, prediction_name=prediction_name )(g) g = graph.add_output(g, g.transients[0].name, class_type, [None]) if predict_proba is True: gp = ebm.predict_proba(binary=False, probabilities_name=probabilities_name)(g_scores) g = graph.merge(graph.clear_transients(g), gp) g = graph.add_output(g, g.transients[0].name, onnx.TensorProto.FLOAT, [None, len(model.classes_)]) if explain is True: if len(model.classes_) == 2: g = graph.add_output(g, scores_output_name, onnx.TensorProto.FLOAT, [None, len(model.term_names_), 1]) else: g = graph.add_output(g, scores_output_name, onnx.TensorProto.FLOAT, [None, len(model.term_names_), len(model.classes_)]) elif type(model) is ExplainableBoostingRegressor: g, scores_output_name = ebm.compute_class_score(np.array([model.intercept_]), explain_name)(g) g = ebm.predict_value(prediction_name)(g) g = graph.add_output(g, g.transients[0].name, onnx.TensorProto.FLOAT, [None]) g = graph.add_output(g, scores_output_name, onnx.TensorProto.FLOAT, [None, len(model.term_names_), 1]) else: raise NotImplementedError("{} models are not supported".format(type(model))) model = graph.compile(g, target_opset, name=name) return model